The Kingdom of Dambadeniya | (1232 - 1293) | Sri Lanka

The Kingdom of Dambadeniya

The reign of Dambadeniya was erected in 1232, while the reign of Polonnaruwa was ruled by Kalinga Magha. King II Panditha Parakramabahu from Dambadeniya reign, was the King who defeated Kalinga Magha. Especially in that case, King III Vijayabahu also played a significant part in-order to gain the victory. 


Who were the Rulers ruled in Dambadeniya?

1.       King III Vijayabahu (1232 - 1236) 

2.       King II Panditha Parakramabahu (1236 - 1270)

3.       King IV Vijayabahu (1270 - 1272)

4.       King I Buwanekabahu (1272 - 1284)

5.       King III Parakramabahu (1287 - 1293)    

King III Vijayabahu (1232 - 1236)

The people immigrated from Polonnaruwa to the Ruhuna reign due to the invasions by Kalinga Magha.

During King Kalinga Magha’s reign in Polonnaruwa, Sinhala princes were able to build citadels in a number of locations throughout the Kingdom. These were the locations of Yapahuwa, Ruhuna, Minipe and Dambadeniya. Prince Vijayabahu established citadels around Dambadeniya. He became the King of Vanni and Maya reigns by defeating the people of Kalinga Magha. Vanni and Maya were the regionals of Sri Lanka.

The tooth relic and the other treasures were brought from Polonnaruwa due to the invasions of Kalinga Magha and kept in the Kothmale area. After gaining the throne, the King built a temple on Beligala Mountain near Kegalle and housed the artifacts within.

He repaired all the devastated Buddhist temples, including Kelaniya and commissioned Sinhala writers to re-write the writings and documents that Kalinga Magha had destroyed.


King II Panditha Parakramabahu (1236 - 1270)

King II Panditha Parakramabahu was the son of King III Vijayabahu. He was known as ‘Kalikala Sahithya Sarwathra Panditha’ because of his extensive literary expertise. The King built a temple in Dambadeniya and treasured the tooth relic that his father had placed in a temple on Beligala Mountain in Kegalle.

The King pledged to protect the island from Kalinga Magha at the ceremonial festival. Kalinga Magha was aware that King II Panditha Parakramabahu will attack Polonnaruwa at some time in the future. As a result, he recruited men from South India to fight for him.

During the reign, the King was attacked by Chandrabhanu from Thamralinga in India. Then the King gave the command to assault Chandrabhanu to Prince Weerabahu. After that, Prince Weerabahu, a close relative of the King was victorious in the conflict.

In 1255, King II Panditha Parakramabahu launched an attack and defeated Kalinga Magha in Polonnaruwa, the worst king of the time. In the conflict, the King received assistance from King Pandya. Chandrabhanu attacked the island again in 1261, but the King defeated him with the assistance of King Pandya.

King II Panditha Parakramabahu served the nation and Buddhism in a great way. He rebuilt all of the wrecked temples and religious sites and returned all of the properties to its legitimate owners.

He built temples not only at Dambadeniya, but also in Kurunegala, Yapahuwa, Kelaniya, Aththanagalla, Bentota and Dondra on the island. He made the pathways to the Sri Pada more convenient for the comfort of the pilgrims.

The King penned one of the greatest works of poetry known as ‘Kausilumina’. He rendered invaluable service to Sinhala Literature as a well-known academic. The major literature novels Aththanagalu wanshaya and Thupavanshaya were also written during the reign.

When the King got old, he assumed that the throne would be passed down to a son. The King’s five sons were Vijayabahu, Buwanekabahu, Thilokamalla, Parakramabahu and Jayabahu, while his son-in-law was Weerabahu.

The throne will be held by Prince Vijayabahu among these six princes, according to the King and other government officials. Following that, Prince Vijayabahu governed the country as IV Vijayabahu. He was the eldest son of the King.

King IV Vijayabahu (1270 - 1272)

King IV Vijayabahu was a legendary King in history. Unfortunately he died after only two years as King.

He placed his younger brothers throughout the country. Prince Parakramabahu and Prince Vijayabahu were assigned to the Dambadeniya kingdom to assist King II Panditha Parakramabahu, father of the King who was nearing the end of his reign. The King accompanied Prince Weerabahu on a tour of the Kingdom to meet the needs of the people. The invader known as Chandrabhanu came up against conflict once more. The King won the battle with the support of Prince Weerabahu after waging it. He rebuilt various cities throughout the country, including the sacred city of Anuradhapura and Gampola and as well as a temple in Kurunegala.

He handed up the throne of Dambadeniya to his younger brother Buwanekabahu and the King left Dambadeniya and proceeded to Polonnaruwa. The King rebuilt the Kingdom of Polonnaruwa and returned the tooth relic to Polonnaruwa with the guidance of his father.

The two years after the coronation, the soldier known as Miththa defeated this greatest King in his Palace. After receiving the news, Prince Buwanekabahu the younger brother of the King was fled to the Yapahuwa area. Then Miththa entered Dambadeniya and attempted to claim the crown. While he addressing the royal council in the Palace, the brave commander named Takuraka was defeated Miththa by his sword.

Takuraka was sent by prince Buwanekabahu from Yapahuwa. The throne was thereafter given to Prince Buwanekabahu, who was sworn in as King I Buwanekabahu in Dambadeniya.

King I Buwanekabahu (1272 - 1284)    

After a brief reign in Dambadeniya, King I Buwanekabahu built his kingdom in Yapahuwa. The ‘Pali’ version of the ‘Thripitaka’ was written in this reign. He presented it to all of the major temples within the country. All Buddhist records are written in a language called ‘Pali’.

He built a relic temple in Yapahuwa and transported the tooth relic from Polonnaruwa to it. During the reign, the tooth relic was stolen by a person known as ‘Aarya Chakrawarthi’ who is from Pandya and hand-over it to the King Kulasekara in Pandya.

The King died in 1284. From 1284 to 1287, there were no ruler for the country.


King III Parakramabahu (1287 - 1293)

King III Parakramabahu was the son of King IV Vijayabahu (1270 - 1272). He ruled Polonnaruwa during his reign and there were significant relationships between Pandya and Sri Lanka.

At that time, King Kulasekara was the ruler of Pandya. King III Parakramabahu travelled to Pandya and returned with the tooth relic that had escaped from Sri Lanka during the reign of King I Buwanekabahu.

He was the last King of Polonnaruwa and Dambadeniya kingdoms.


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