The Kingdom of Kurunegala | Kingdom of Gampola | Kingdom of Seethawaka | Sri Lanka (1293 - 1408)

The Kingdom of Kurunegala

In 1293, King II Buwanekabahu established the Kurunegala monarchy. King V Vijayabahu, who ruled in 1341, was the last king of the reign. The reign was ruled by four kings. Prior to the service to the country, people, and nation, two of them are listed below.

King II Buwanekabahu (1293 - 1302)

He was the son of King I Buwanekabahu who ruled the reign of Dambadeniya. He chose Kurunegala as his capital and governed for nine years. He did a lot for the monks and Buddhism. He held the Poson festival in June every year.

King IV Panditha Parakramabahu (1302 - 1326)

King IV Panditha Parakramabahu was the son of King II Buwanekabahu. The position lasted for 24 years. The King was a well-educated person. As a result the people of the country refer to him as ‘Panditha Parakramabahu’. The King’s contribution to the country and the nation was extraordinary. He constructed a temple in Kurunegala and housed a tooth relic there.

The Asgiriya temple in Kandy was established in 1312. People began to pronounce Kandy as Senkadagala throughout the King’s reign. The King took a number of steps to improve the Sinhala language and Literature.

During that time, the Sinhala Bodhi Wanshaya, Ummagga Jathakaya and Sandakinduru Daa Kawa were composed. Wilgammula Sangaraja thero was one of the most eminent scholars of his time. The King established temples in Dondra and Weligama areas in the Southern division of the country.

King III Buwanekabahu

There was no written history of the King.

King V Vijayabahu (1341)

The King had no documented history. Thus records, he was the King in Kurunagela.


Kingdom of Gampola


The Kingdom of Gampola was controlled by six different monarchs. The reign began in 1344 and lasted for 64 years. King IV Buwanekabahu was the first ruler. The last King was Parakrama Epa, the son of King VI Vijayabahu.

The Kings who ruled the Kingdom of Gampola.

1.       King IV Buwanekabahu (1344 - 1351)

2.       King V Parakramabahu (1344-1359)

3.       King III Vikramabahu (1358-1374)

4.       King V Buwanekabahu (1374-1408)

5.       King II Weerabahu (1391-1396)

6.       King VI Vijayabahu (1396-1408)


King IV Buwanekabahu (1344 - 1351)

The first King of the kingdom, King IV Buwanekabahu, erected his reign from Gampola. He constructed the temples of Gadaladeniya and Lankathilaka, two of the most attractive houses of worship in the country. The King’s representative, Senadhilankara, was in-charge of all of these operations.


King V Parakramabahu (1344 - 1359)

During the reign of King IV Buwanekabahu in Gampola, King V Parakramabahu governed the Kegalle division. King V Parakramabahu was the brother of King IV Buwanekabahu. Instead, there is no recorded history of the King available.

King III Vikramabahu (1358 - 1374)

King III Vikramabahu was able to gain the throne with the help of a person named Alagakkonara. Alagakkonara was in charge of all governance relations. Aryachakrawarthi, the Tamil King reigned in Jaffna while they were governing in Gampola.

Aryachakrawarthi was attempting to collect taxes from those who lived in divisions other than Jaffna. The King and Alagakkonara were then able to put an end to it by evicting the Tamil leaders from the affected areas. The King’s reign lasted 15 years. 


King V Buwanekabahu (1374 - 1408)

King V Buwanekabahu took the throne following King III Vikramabahu. The King was the son-in-law of SenadhilankaraSenadhilankara was the commander of King IV Buwanekabahu who was the first King of Gampola reign.

The King was involved in a number of important Buddhist initiatives. During this reign, ‘Mayura Sandeshaya’, one of the greatest pieces of Sinhala poetry was written. The King moved his reign to the Kotte after several years and simultaneously both reigns were ruled by the King. King’s career spanned 34 years.


King II Weerabahu (1391 - 1396)

King II Weerabahu took the throne in the Gampola reign after King V Buwanekabahu moved to the Kotte reign. King II Weerabahu was the son of Senadhilankara.

During this reign, the Buddhist document ‘Nikaya Sangrahaya’ was written. King II Weerabahu fought and defeated Weera Alakeshwara in the Raigama area and, Weera Alakeshwara then moved to India for safety. Weera Alakeshwara was the second son of Senadhilankara.


King VI Vijayabahu (1396 - 1408)

Weera Alakeshwara returned to Sri Lanka after the death of King Weerabahu and was crowned as King VI Vijayabahu. There was a backstory to the King.

A Chinese commander named Chinho visited Sri Lanka on a pilgrimage. When they arrived, King VI Vijayabahu attempted to imprison them. Then Chinho and the rest of the crew escaped from the prison, returned to their ship and left the country.

After a few years, Chinho returned to Sri Lanka with a battalion in order to apprehend the King. They took the King and the people to China. China’s monarch at the time was Iyunglo. The Chinese government chose to hand over the kingdom to Parakrama Epa, who was the son of King VI Vijayabahu.

The throne was handed over by the ruler of China in 1411 in China. Unfortunately, when they returned to Sri Lanka in 1412, the Kingdom of Gampola was overthrown and the kingdom of Kotte has been established. King VI Sri Parakramabahu created the monarchy of Kotte in 1410 when King Parakrama Epa was in China.

 The Kingdom of Seethawaka

The Kingdom of Seethawaka was formed in 1521. There were four rulers in charge of the territory. It was the 7th kingdom of Sri Lanka.

King Mayadunne (1521 - 1581)

King Mayadunne was the son of King VI Vijayabahu (1518-1521). King Mayadunne’s brothers were King VII Buwanekabahu (1521-1551) in Kotte and Prince Raigama Bandara (1521-1538). Seethawaka was the reign of King Mayadunne.

Because the Muslims were dismissed by the King in Kotte, King Mayadunne waged war against his brother, King Buwanekabahu, in Kotte, in 1524. The first conflict between the two parties took place in 1537. In that situation, King Buwanekabahu got support from the Portuguese while King Mayadunne received assistance from a South Indian King known as Semorian who was also anti-Portuguese. Unfortunately King Mayadunne was defeated by VII Buwanekabahu. In 1538, Prince Raigam Bandara passed away. Then King Mayadunne seized the reign owned by Raigam Bandara. The King also wanted to take control of Kotte reign.

After the baptism of Prince Dharmapala in 1557, people fled the Kotte kingdom to the Kandy and Seethawaka reigns. King Mayadunne was also presented with the tooth relic.

In 1562, Prince Tikiri Bandara, the son of King Mayadunne, waged war in Kotte against Prince Dharmapala while Dharmapala receiving Portuguese assistance. Prince Dharmapala was beaten by Prince Tikiri Bandara in Mulleriyawa area where the battle began. This was the largest Portuguese recession in Asia.

Then Prince Tikiri Bandara rose to power in Kotte, while Prince Dharmapala took refuge in the Portuguese fort in Colombo. In 1564, Prince Tikiri Bandara launched another attack on Colombo fort in an attempt to expel the Portuguese, but it proved futile.


King I Rajasinghe (1581-1593)

In 1581, Prince Tikiri Bandara was crowned as King I Rajasinghe in Seethawaka. He assaulted Kandy and defeated the then King Karalliyadde Bandara in 1582.

The King’s major objective was to expel the Portuguese from Sri Lanka. He has been attacking the Colombo Fort since 1587. The battalion of King I Rajasinghe consisted 50000 troops, 2200 elephants and 4000 cannons.

In 1587, the King and his soldiers arrived in Colombo and built bastions in the Maligawatta and Maligakanda areas. The King retreated after 22 months because the Portuguese received assistance from Goa in India. The King felt humiliated as a result of the war’s failure, and he caused unrest among the people later his reign.

Yamasinghe Bandara (Don Philip) waged war against the King in order to take over the throne. Yamasinghe Bandara received help from Konappu Bandara (Don Juwan)Konappu Bandara was the son of Weera Surendra, who assisted I Rajasinghe in capturing Kandy in 1582.

Unfortunately, Weera Surendra was assassinated by the King as a result of rumours. As a result, his son became enraged with King. The King was defeated at the end of the conflict.

Yamasinghe Bandara was thereafter crowned King of Kandy. However, Konappu Bandara ascended the throne after defeating Yamasinghe Bandara in several days. Then King I Rajasinghe waged another war against Konappu Bandara, but this time King I Rajasinghe lost.

A thorn pierced the King’s leg while he was returning to the Seethawaka following his failure, and the King became critically ill as a result. The greatest King who bravely attacked aliens died in 1593.


King Rajasooriya (1593)

King Rajasooriya was the grand-son of King I Rajasinghe. Arittaki Vendu served as the advisor of King Rajasooriya. He was King I Rajasinghe’s prime minister. The King was assassinated by Arittaki, after only 04 months of his kingship.


King Nikapitiye Bandara (1593)

Seethawaka was ruled by King Nikapitiye Bandara for only 05 months. During this time, Arittaki allied with the Portuguese. Then Arittaki arrived in Seethawaka with the help of the Portuguese and the King was forced to retreat.                                                               


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