Vijayaba Kollaya | The Kingdom of Kotte | Sri Lanka

The Kingdom of Kotte

The Kings and their activities during the reign of Kotte are described in the following explanations. The kingdom was controlled by nine different rulers. The arrival of the Portuguese and the Vijayaba Kollaya were the two most significant events that happened during the reign.


The Rulers in Kotte Reign

1.       King VI Sri Parakramabahu (1410-1467)

2.       King Jayaweera Parakramabahu (1467-1469)

3.       King VI Buwanekabahu (1469-1477)

4.       King VII Panditha Parakramabahu (1477-1484)

5.       King VIII Weera Parakramabahu (1484-1509)

6.       King IX Dharma Parakramabahu (1509-1518)

7.       King VI Vijayabahu (1518-1521)

8.       King VII Buwanekaba (1521-1551)

9.       Prince Don Juwan Dharmapala (1551-1597) 

King VI Sri Parakramabahu (1410-1467)

In 1410, 6th Sri Parakramabahu became the King of the island. There were no rulers in the country from 1408 to 1410. Parakrama Epa, the son of King 6th Vijayabahu, arrived in Sri Lanka In 1414 and controlled the Dedigama area. Then he waged war against King 6th Sri Parakramabahu and King 6th Sri Parakramabahu defeated Parakrama Epa.

Sri Lanka was divided into sub divisions after the reign of King II Parakramabahu (1236-1270). All of the divisions were united as one country under the King 6th Parakramabahu. The King did an excellent job for the land, nation and the people as well.

Sunethra Devi Pirivena, his mother’s name was the name he gave to the Pirivena he built in Pepiliyana. He also restored Sumana Saman temple in Ratnapura and the Stupa of Mahiyanganaya. The tooth relic was housed by the King at a relic temple in Kotte. The King was a well-educated man. He has made a significant contribution to Sinhala Literature. The King wrote two books: ‘Ruwan Mala’ and ‘Piyum Mala’.

Kavya Shekaraya, Selalihini Sandeshaya, Paravi Sandeshaya, Loweda Sangarawa, Budugunaalankaraya, Guththila Kavya are some of the poets written during the reign. Thotagamuwe Sri Rahula thero, Weththewe thero, Devinuwara Irugal Kulathilaka thero and Veedagama maithree thero were among the scholars in the season.          


King Jayaweera Parakramabahu (1467-1469)

This was the grand-son of King VI Parakramabahu. No written history available for the King.

King VI Buwanekabahu (1469-1477)

In 1469, Prince Sapumal became the King as VI Buwanekabahu. During his reign, Arya Chakrawarthi invaded Jaffna once more, but the King overcame them. In 1469, a Prince named Senasammatha Wickramabahu ascended to the throne of Kandy with the support of the entire Kandy population.

The Prince then attempted to destabilize the Kotte reign by engaging in immoral behaviour. He was the major enemy for the King. After the King dispatched a battalion to Kandy, the Prince was forced to surrender.   

King VII Panditha Parakramabahu (1477-1484)

He was the son of King VI Buwanekabahu. The King was defeated by Prince Ambulugala also known as 8th Weera Parakramabahu in 1484. There was no written history other than that.


King VIII Weera Parakramabahu (1484-1509)

In 1477, Prince Ambulugala took over as King VIII Weera Parakramabahu after King VII Panditha Parakramabahu died. During the reign of the King, Portuguese were landed in the country in 1505. After that there was an agreement between the Portuguese and the King including the governance of the beach areas of Sri Lanka.

The Portuguese agreed to secure the beach side of the island in exchange for 80 tons of Cinnamon from the King. He divided the kingdom into four sections and assigned Dharma Parakramabahu, Vijayabahu, Rajasinghe and Raigam Bandara to each.     


King IX Dharma Parakramabahu (1509-1518)

He was the eldest son of King VIII Weera Parakramabahu. After he got the kingship, Prince Vijayabahu waged war against him. Then, the King got help from the Portuguese for the first time in history. In 1518, the King was defeated by King VI Vijayabahu.


King VI Vijayabahu (1518-1521)

Prince Ambulugala, also known as 8th Weera Parakramabahu had a son named King 6th Vijayabahu (1484 - 1509). He was the second son. King 9th Dharma Parakramabahu became the ruler of Kotte after the reign of King 8th Weera Parakramabahu (1509-1518). He was the eldest son of King 8th Weera Parakramabahu.

In 1518, 9th Dharma Parakramabahu was defeated by King 6th Vijayabahu and he became the ruler in Kotte reign. Buwanekabahu, Raigam Bandara and Mayadunne were the three sons of the King while Dewaraja was his step son.

King had a major necessity to crown the throne to his step son, Dewaraja. After hearing of it, three sons were against the incident and fled the Palace.

Vijayaba Kollaya

The incident that is going to get the throne in Kotte reign from King 6th Vijayabahu is known as Vijayaba KollayaDuring the reign of King Jayaweera in Kandy, the three princes had used soldiers to surround the Palace. Then the King decided to reach an agreement with the princes. However, the King used a person to assassinate them. The princes were aware of this and used a foreign individual to assassinate the King. Then they took over the Kingdom. The incident took place in 1521. That was ‘Vijayaba Kollaya’.

After that, Kotte was divided into three parts. Kotte, Seethawaka and Raigama.

·         Kotte – Prince Buwanekaba

·         Seethawaka – Prince Mayadunne

·         Raigama – Raigam Bandara


King VII Buwanekaba (1521-1551)

Prince Buwanekaba ascended to the throne in Kotte following the Vijayaba Kollaya. But on the other hand, Prince Mayadunne waged war against him in order to claim the throne of Kotte. In 1505, the Portuguese landed in Sri Lanka. The King then sought assistance from the Portuguese.

A daughter named Samudra was the King’s one and only child. He made the decision to entrust his daughter to Veediye Bandara, a major commander in the King’s army. Because of this royal heritage, Prince Mayadunne became enraged with the King.

The King then decided to hand-over the throne to prince Dharmapala. Prince Dharmapala was the son of the King’s daughter. The Portuguese aided the King in this situation and they presented a crown to the prince Dharmapala.   

In 1551, King Buwanekaba’s reign came to an end when a Portuguese soldier shot him in the palace in Kelaniya. Prince Dharmapala was crowned as Don Juwan Dharmapala in 1551.

Prince Don Juwan Dharmapala (1551-1597)

After the death of King VII Buwanekaba, the throne was given to Prince Dharmapala. But he was still younger and unable to manage the country at the time. As a result, his father, Veediye Bandara ruled over the kingdom.

The Portuguese harassed Buddhists and the people of the reign on several occasions. Then Veediye Bandara fought against them but lacked the power to conduct war.

In 1557, Prince Dharmapala surrendered to the Portuguese after the death of Veediye Bandara. Then the Portuguese took control of Kotte. The people were unhappy with the prince, thus the tooth relic was given to the Prince Mayadunne in Seethawaka.

Seethawaka grew in strength as a result of these factors. Portuguese power was eliminated as a result of the two conflicts between Portuguese and Sinhalese in Mulleriyawa and Kotte in 1562 and 1564. Prince Dharmapala died in 1597. 


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