Who Ruled Anuradhapura ? Sri Lankan History

King Pandukabhaya (437 – 367 BC)

Mother of prince Pandukabhaya, also known as Unmada Chithra was the only sister in the family of 10 brothers. During that time, the Kingdom beyond Anuradhapura was controlled by the brothers of Unmada ChithraIf Unmada Chithra had children, the kingship would eventually be transferred to that prince or princess someday.

As a result, her brothers imprisoned Unmada Chithra. However, a prince named Deega Ghamini was able to escape her from prison, and the two became engaged. After that, Unmada Chithra gave birth to a prince. After hearing that their sister had given birth to a child, the brothers of Unmada Chithra plotted to assassinate the prince. They attempted three times to kill the Prince. However, they were all in vain.

The Prince’s childhood was spent in a village called Doramadalawa far away from the kingdom, without the involvement of his parents. At that time, a couple from Doramadalawa served as trustees for the Prince. The Prince was instructed by a scholar known as Pandula. When the prince was young, he married a princess Swarnapali the daughter of one of the ten brothers of Unmada Chithra’s. 

The conflict with the Kings (brothers of Unmada Chithra) who ruled beyond Anuradhapura ended with the Prince defeating them all. Then the Prince got the kingship and was sworn as King ‘Pandukabhaya’. The King relocated his realm to a city called ‘Anuradha Grama’. Then he built the city with all of the essential supplies and named it Anuradhapuraya which was the first kingdom in Sri Lanka for all of the Kings. The ruins of the former Kingdom can still be seen.

As the first King of Anuradhapura, he established the boundaries for all of the cities in Sri Lanka in order to appropriately oversee all of the areas of the country. The king improved agricultural and irrigation fields in Sri Lanka. Respected for all kinds of religious activities. He systematically ruled the country until his last moment.

King Dewanampiyathissa (307-267 BC)

For Buddhism in Sri Lanka, King Dewanampiyathissa’s reign was crucial. The King arranged the third Dharma Sangayana by inviting King Dharmashoka’s Arahant called Moggali Puththa Thissa thero, from India. In Dewanampiyathissa kingship era, Arahant Hans Mihindu, the son of King Dharmashoka, came to Sri Lanka with the aim of spreading Buddhism. 

During the reign of King Dewanampiyathissa, trade ties between India and Sri Lanka were at an all-time high. As a result, Sri Maha Bodhi was founded in Anuradhapura with the help of Sanghamiththa bhikkhuni, the sister of Arahant hans Mihindu.

Following the expansion of Buddhism as a religion in Sri Lanka, the King constructed Maha Vihara, Segiriya, Thupaaramaya ,Sri Maha bodhi and Wessagiri Temple respectively.

King Dutugemunu (161-137 BC)

One of the greatest kings in Sri Lanka. The parents of King Dutugemunu were King Kawanthissa and Viharamahadeviya. King Dutugemunu had a brother named Saddhathissa. He also became a king in Anuradhapura kingdom after the death of King ‘Dutugemunu’. The king had a major purpose to unite the nation. Nandi mithra, Suranimala, Mahasona, Ghotaimbara, Therapuththabhaya, Bharana, Velusumana and Labhiya Wasabha were the strangers of King Dutugemunu.

King Dutugemunu spent some years of his childhood in Kothmale area until his father died. After the death of his father, he came back to Ruhunu Rata where the region his father ruled. After years, King Dutugemunu went to wage war against Elara, the person who ruled Anuradhapura, with his army from Ruhunu Rata.  

According to the legend stories; During the journey to Anuradhapura, the king met the God of Kataragama and the king promised to build a temple for the God if he blessed to win the war.   

After winning the war he pretended to do religious affairs to the nation.

Now, the place where we worship the God of Kataragama in Kataragama was built by King Dutugemunu as he promised.    

King Wasabha (66-110)

The King made numerous improvements to agricultural and irrigation industries in Sri Lanka. He specifically built 11 lakes and 12 canals among them. Some of these include the lakes Mahawilachchiya, Manaketiya, Nochchipothana and Hiriwadunna.

In addition, he constructed an underground tunnel system to supply water to the then capital of the island, Anuradhapura. The religious affairs of Buddhism from the King were excellent. He repaired all the dilapidated temples around the island.

He built thousands of Stupas around the temple known as ‘Sithulpawwa’ in the Southern region of the country. According to the historical evidence, he was the first king of the genealogy named ‘Lambakarna’. Furthermore, the King was from the Northern region in Sri Lanka.  


King Mahasen (276-302)

When King assumed the throne, his close friend and thero ‘Sangamithra’arrived on the island instantly. Then he commanded King to destroy Mahawiharaya and the Monks who lived there. Mahawiharaya was the most important temple for Buddhists on the island. As a result of the harassment, the monks of the Mahawiharaya left. The citizens were dissatisfied with the King’s actions.

After a few years, one of the King’s closest companions, known as Meghawannabhaya declared war against the King. The King then requested Meghawannabhaya about the reason for the war. He explained everything, including the Mahawiharaya issue. When the King discovered what happened, he ordered the assassination of ‘Sangamithra’, the man who had advised him to destroy the ‘Mahawiharaya’ temple. The King restored ‘Mahawiharaya’ temple with the help of ‘Meghawannabhaya’, and asked all the monks who had gone away.

The King performed several religious, agricultural and irrigation improvements in order to get appreciation from the island’s residents. The construction of Sri Lanka’s largest Stupa known as ‘Jethawanaraamaya’ was one of the religious undertakings of the King. The king was the pioneer in irrigation technology in Sri Lanka. He constructed 16 lakes including Minneriya Lake.

People referred to the King as ‘the God of Minneriya’ because of his contributions to the agricultural and irrigation sectors in the island.


King Dhathusena (461-479)

During his childhood, he was a monk in Diksanda Pirivena which belonged to Mahawiharaya in Anuradhapura. He was able to gain the throne after leaving Pirivena by defeating ‘Thirithara’, ‘Thatiya’ and ‘Pitiya’ who ruled Anuradhapura. The King Dhathusena rebuilt all of the dilapidated religious places in the island. Further, he placed lightning conductors to the main three Stupas in Anuradhapura. He constructed 18 number of Lakes in total.

The lake known as ‘Kalaa Wewa’ is the greatest of them all. He established hospitals around the country. During the period of the King, Mahavamsa was written. The world famous statue known as ‘Aukana Buddha Statue’ was also constructed during the period of King Dhathusena.

There were two sons and two daughters to the King. King Kashyapa who ruled Sigiriya and King Mugalan were the sons of King Dhathusena.

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